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Sae5's Shop

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Currently a private tutor, the resources you see available have been adapted from my current practice and when I was teaching as a secondary school English teacher. I hope the resources are useful and make a difference in your classroom. If you need to contact me to discuss any of the resources you have downloaded, please email me at sarah@the-browns.gb.net.




Currently a private tutor, the resources you see available have been adapted from my current practice and when I was teaching as a secondary school English teacher. I hope the resources are useful and make a difference in your classroom. If you need to contact me to discuss any of the resources you have downloaded, please email me at sarah@the-browns.gb.net.
'The Secret River' - Character analysis

'The Secret River' - Character analysis

Using the medium of Twitter, this lesson allows students to chart Thornhill’s development over ‘The Secret River’. This can be done over the course of reading the novel or at the end, and can be used as a helpful revision activity. Differentiation for this task includes the extent to which quotes are used for tweets, assigning characters other than Thornhill, and scaffolding key events to signpost students towards. In addition, homework tasks can be set for students to create a Twitter page for less major characters. Files in this resource: Character analysis - PowerPoint of lesson Twitter Template - Word document of Twitter template - this activity can then be completed by hand or electronically.
Edexcel English Language Paper 2 practice

Edexcel English Language Paper 2 practice

This lesson is a mock paper to help prepare students for Edexcel GCSE English Language Paper 2 (Non-fiction and Transactional writing). The sources for this paper explore arranged marriages and the writing section has a choice of two questions. Lesson is designed for feedback as answers are written during class time, to help identify revision areas promptly. A generic mark scheme has been included for teachers reference. Alternatively, this PowerPoint could be converted to a Word document and presented as an actual mock exam. Files in this resource: English Language Paper 2 - PowerPoint of exam questions Text 1 Guardian article - Word document of Text 1 Text 2 - Word document of Text 2 English Language Paper 2 generic mark scheme - PDF of mark scheme for writing section
'The Secret River' - Thornhill and Sal

'The Secret River' - Thornhill and Sal

This lesson allows students to explore the importance of Thornhill and Sal's relationship in Kate Grenville's, 'The Secret River'. With opportunity to work individually or in groups, the lesson encourages students to find pivotal moments in the novel that reflect the importance of their relationship. The lesson allows students to build on their knowledge across the entire novel, leading to a practise exam question to answer at the end. It is anticipated that this lesson will cover more than one hour to allow for the essay writing, subsequently providing a useful assessment piece for the unit. References to AOs and the mark scheme are taken from the current IGCSE specification.
'Poppies' - Jane Weir

'Poppies' - Jane Weir

Covering 'Poppies' by Jane Weir, in preparation for the Power and Conflict theme for AQA English Literature Paper 2, this PowerPoint explores the poem in detail. Allowing some independent analysis initially, the lesson leads towards writing an extended reading analysis of the text. This is a multi-faceted lesson and there are practice questions for both Paper 2 and English Language Paper 1, Section B (Writing). Mark schemes and AOs have been included in the PowerPoint to enable students to become familiar with these and help plan their responses. Due to the nature of the tasks, it is expected this PowerPoint will cover at least two 1-hour sessions or these activities could be adapted for extended homework responses. Files in this resource: Poppies - Jane Weir - PowerPoint of lesson Poppies - Jane Weir - Word document of the poem
'The Secret River' - Social Hierarchy

'The Secret River' - Social Hierarchy

A two-part lesson that explores the theme social hierarchy in 'The Green River' by Kate Grenville, specifically focusing students on an extended extract to analyse. To help prepare students for IGCSE English Literature Paper 1, the lesson begins reviewing the exam outline, assessment objectives and qualities of an A-grade student. The main body of the lesson is analysing a section of the novel, leading up to the 'green slippers' incident, with students working individually, in pairs, and finally in a group to prepare a mini-presentation. The final part of the lesson moves towards creating a plan for the exam question. Whilst the extract for this question is considerably longer than what students will face in the exam, it will provide useful practice on how to closely analyse an extract for this type of question, whilst also providing detail revision notes and familiarising students with the context of this scene. In addition, the question asks students to make links with other parts of the novel, again helping to develop their overall knowledge of the text and therefore helping them prepare for the essay-based question. Files in this resource: Social hierarchy - PowerPoint Social hierarchy extract - Word document
iGCSE English Extended practice papers

iGCSE English Extended practice papers

3 Resources
Three mock papers designed to help students prepare for the iGCSE English Extended paper. These papers are ideal for classroom-based revision or can be used for Homework, and there is a generic mark scheme included to allow for peer-assessment. Textual focus: - Horror extracts (Jekyll and Hyde/The Red Room) - Non-fiction articles on Coca Cola - War-themed extracts
iGCSE English Reading Core Paper 1 practice

iGCSE English Reading Core Paper 1 practice

4 Resources
Four mock exam papers for students taking iGCSE Paper 1, core. Papers are written on PowerPoint so this makes it ideal for classroom-based revision. Generic mark schemes are included to assist with marking, which could also be an opportunity for peer-assessment, particularly with the Writing section. There are also some grammar starters to help students with the writing element of the paper. Textual focus: - 'Frankenstein' - Orang-utangs non-fiction extract - 'Touching the Void' - 'War of the Worlds'
'Of Mice and Men' mixed resources

'Of Mice and Men' mixed resources

4 Resources
A selection of resources for the novel ‘Of Mice and Men’. Lessons include: - Analysing the opening of the novel, exploring language choices and how the setting is described. - Detailed quote analysis - a useful revision or language task. - Close analysis of Section 5 with extract provided for groups to analyse. - Detailed theme analysis, ideal for group work and revision.
'Private Peaceful' scheme of work

'Private Peaceful' scheme of work

17 lessons, fully planned on the novel, ‘Private Peaceful’. Scheme of work covers a range of reading and writing skills which can be easily adapted to suit different KS3 abilities. Lessons include: creating a research booklet, writing a news broadcast, comparison with Owen’s ‘Dulce et Decorum est’ and a job advert task. There are several opportunities for Reading and Writing assessments, with a main Reading assessment task at the end of the scheme. There is also a S&L role play task, to allow teacher’s to formally assess if required. Each lesson is fully planned with learning objectives and starter tasks with some Homework activities already planned. There is a covering slide for each lesson for the teacher’s reference, detailing a rough lesson outline, any resources required and whether Homework has been set. Finally there are suggestions on how to create a classroom display from this unit. Files in this resource: - Scheme of Work - PowerPoint of all lessons - Lesson 1 Hooking the reader’s interest - Word document resource - Lesson 5 Chapter 4 extract - Word document resource - Lesson 9 Chapter 8 extract - Word document resource - Lesson 11 and 12 Dulce et Decorum est - Word document resource (copy of the poem) - Lesson 16 Big Joe Reading assessment - Word document resource
Unseen poetry practice

Unseen poetry practice

3 Resources
Three lessons with three different unseen poetry texts to help students prepare for this section of the exam. Generic assessment areas and timings are referred to, but these can be easily adapted to suit your exam board. These lessons encourage independent work before teacher direction and all lead towards beginning to write a response to a example exam question. These can then be extended for homework tasks, further class time or formal assessment pieces. Poems covered: War Photographer - Carol Ann Duffy Reservist - Boey Kim Cheng The Trees Are Down - Charlotte Mew
'The Trees Are Down' poem unseen exam question

'The Trees Are Down' poem unseen exam question

Preparing students for the unseen poetry question, this lesson uses 'The Trees Are Down' by Charlotte Mew. Beginning with finding three poetic techniques used in the poem, the lesson encourages more independent analysis before developing ideas in paired work. The lesson develops with class analysis of the poem, concluding with independent planning for a practice exam question which leads to beginning to write their own response. This task can then be extended to the following lesson or become a homework task. Files in this resource: The Trees Are Down unseen poem exam question - PowerPoint of lesson The Trees Are Down - Word document of poem
The Trees Are Down - Charlotte Mew

The Trees Are Down - Charlotte Mew

A fully planned one-hour lesson, this is linked to the 2017 IGCSE English Literature specification, but could be adapted for other exam boards. Allowing students to initially independently analyse the poem before teacher input, this is an ideal group-work lesson. The lesson closes with preparing for an exam-style question, which could be completed as a homework task or in a following lesson. Files in this resource: The Trees Are Down - PowerPoint of lesson The Trees Are Down - Word document of poem
Edexcel English Language Paper 1 practice

Edexcel English Language Paper 1 practice

Paper 1 practice for GCSE Edexcel English Language (Fiction and Imaginative Writing), using an extract from ‘War of the Worlds’ as stimulus. Lesson begins with exam overview and what is being assessed, before Reading and Writing questions. Lesson finishes with peer assessment to identify revision areas. Lesson can be used for in-class assessment or easily adapted for a homework revision task. A generic mark scheme has been included for Section A, Q3 and 4, and Section B. Files in this resource: English Language Paper 1 practice - PowerPoint of lesson War of the Worlds extract - Word document of extract English Language Paper 1 generic mark scheme - PDF of mark scheme (extracted from example papers from Edexcel).
iGCSE English Language Paper 2 practice

iGCSE English Language Paper 2 practice

Based on the 2015 specimen papers, this is a mock iGCSE English Language Paper 2 (intended for 2017 examination). Using extracts from 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' and 'The Red Room', the questions follow the same format as to be expected in the 2-hour English Language exam. A generic mark scheme has been included to provide guidance on skills demonstrated for questions 1, 2 and 3b. Ideal resource to use in-class as a mock assessment or one that students could complete for homework. Files in this resource: iGCSE English Paper 2 questions - Word document iGCSE English Paper 2 passages - Word document English Language Paper 2 generic mark scheme Reading passages - PDF
Presentational devices

Presentational devices

Originally delivered to a weak KS4 group, this lesson could be adapted for KS3. Introducing the term 'presentational devices', the lesson explores how this can be applied to media texts, with an analysis of an Oxfam leaflet. With several questions guiding the students to pick out key features, the lesson leads students to write their own analysis of the text. The plenary encourages personal assessment, comparing their own response to a model answer. Files in this resource: Commenting on presentational devices - PowerPoint of lesson Presentational devices - Word document of leaflet for student annotation
Arguments and counter-arguments

Arguments and counter-arguments

Originally delivered to a weak KS4 class as an introduction to non-fiction and writing to argue, this lesson is a helpful opener into developing these writing skills. The lesson can be adapted to KS3 but teachers may find this too simplistic for more-able KS4 students. This lesson could be used as a way in for debating/persuasive writing work. The lesson explores what is a counter-argument to then apply this to statements which should generate some interesting class discussion! There is a text to analyse, identifying what the writer’s arguments are for the students to create their own counter-arguments. I appreciate all constructive criticism, so I hope you are able to take time to review this resource. File in this resource: Arguments and Counter-arguments - PowerPoint of lesson. Like what you see? Please check out my other resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/sae5 and join my followers.
Writing to Persuade and Argue

Writing to Persuade and Argue

2-lesson PowerPoint, originally delivered to KS3, exploring the techniques of writing to argue and persuade. The first lesson analyses an example of persuasive writing through an NHS stop-smoking leaflet. The second lesson develops this understanding by applying knowledge to an example question. Students are encouraged to use the planning frame to help structure their work before using all the techniques learnt in their own writing. A useful two-parter lesson that introduces students to these writing skills that can be built on when tackling more in-depth writing tasks at KS4. Files in this resource: Writing to Persuade and Argue - 2 lesson PowerPoint Persuasive writing leaflet - PDF of leaflet
'Touching the Void' - Analysing tension

'Touching the Void' - Analysing tension

Two fully developed lessons, exploring how tension is created and how one event can be reported from two different perspectives. Lesson 1 focuses on analysing how tension is created in a 'Touching the Void' extract, using the Edexcel AOs to help scaffold student response. The lesson works towards writing a plan for the exam question, writing a response, and finishing with peer assessment. Lesson 2 continues this theme by discussing a model answer for Lesson 1's exam question, before looking at different perspectives from 'Touching the Void', again building towards writing an exam response. I appreciate all constructive criticism, so I hope you are able to take time to review this resource. Files in this resource: TTV Analysing tension - PowerPoint of lesson TTV Analysing tension - Word document of extract for tension question TTV Comparative extract -Word document for comparative question TTV High level answer - Word document of example high level answer **Like what you see? Please check out my other resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/sae5 and join my followers.**
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde extract analysis

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde extract analysis

Using the AQA English Literature Paper 1 as a guide, this lesson focuses on practice for how to answer an extract question. After outlining Paper 1 with a reminder of what is being assessed, students work in groups to analyse the extract from ‘Dr Jekyll’ and prepare a plan in response to an exam question. Following class feedback and a whole-group plan, students finish with writing their own response with peer assessment to help identify areas for improvement. An annotated copy of the extract is also included, along with an optional slide that helps to scaffold the second part of the essay question. I appreciate all constructive criticism, so I hope you are able to take time to review this resource. Files in this resource: Extract analysis - PowerPoint of lesson Extract analysis - Word document of extract Extract analysis annotated - Word document of annotated extract Like what you see? Please check out my other resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/sae5 and join my followers.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Chapter 3

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Chapter 3

Analysis of Chapter 3 (text included in Word document), that allows students to practice their analysis responses. After defining words encountered in the chapter, class reading allows students to consider how language is used for effect. The plenary of peer-marking is intended for students to be more aware of what is expected of them in the exam. I appreciate all constructive criticism, so I hope you are able to take time to review this resource. Files in this resource: Chapter 3 - PowerPoint of lesson Dr Jekyll Chapter 3 - Word document of chapter Like what you see? Please check out my other resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/sae5 and join my followers.